What makes CS students seek or avoid academic help resources?

research-summary help-seeking

This article was originally posted on my Medium blog on November 13, 2021.

This is an overview of the paper Patterns of Academic Help-Seeking in Undergraduate Computing Students, appearing at the 2021 Koli Calling conference on computing education research. It was written by my student collaborator Augie Doebling and myself.

Help-seeking is an expected phase in learning or problem-solving. The process involves a fair bit of self-regulatory skill; a learner must recognise that a problem or difficulty exists, assess whether they need help to surmount it, identify a help resource, and finally seek and process help.

Undergraduate students tend to have a variety of academic help resources at their disposal. For example, taking Cal Poly as a typical example, students can seek help with their coursework from online sources, their peers, instructors, or the departmental peer tutoring centre.

Much has been written about how students use individual resources, such as TA office hours or Piazza. But what we know holistically about how computing students navigate this array of resources is largely anecdotal. What resources do they tend to use most frequently? Does this differ for different demographic groups? What influences students to approach or avoid certain resources?

We conducted a mixed-methods study to better understand the help-seeking behaviours of students in the CSSE department at Cal Poly.

We discussed the following resources (acronyms are for the figure that follows):

Frequency of help-seeking

We received 138 survey responses about the frequency with which students accessed various help resources.

Frequency of accessing various help resources.

Students most frequently relied on online sources, followed closely by their peers in class. They reported modest reliance on the instructor for help, preferring to ask questions in class or online rather than going to office hours.

Students did not report much use of course TAs or the peer tutoring centre. The former may be because TAs at Cal Poly do not hold office hours like they might at other universities—there is typically much more contact with instructors than with TAs.

There was no difference in the overall frequency of help-seeking (across all resources) between men and women. However, women reported turning to the “social” help resources more often than men did: they attended instructor office hours and accepted help from peers roughly Once a Week compared to men’s Every Few Weeks.

Why might this be? Previous research has suggested that women tend to have a better attitude toward help-seeking than men do, viewing it more as a learning strategy and less as a sign of dependence. It’s possible that students who are less inclined to seek help from social sources perceive some level of threat to their self-esteem from the act of seeking help.

Finally, computing majors reported relying on their peers and online sources more often than did non-computing majors. No other notable patterns were observed for other resources and demographic groups (e.g., ethnicity, prior experience with computing, or academic progress).

What makes students approach or avoid help resources?

Having discovered trends and correlations regarding frequency of accessing help resources, we turned to interviews to understand why students make the help-seeking decisions that they do.

We asked students about the primary resources they turn to for academic help, the resources that they tend to avoid, and their reasons for both. A number of themes emerged from our qualitative analysis of interview transcripts.

First, students tended to progress from informal to formal sources of help: a frequently reported pattern was the progression from online sources to peers to instructors, where students only progressed to the next resource if the previous resource did not help surmount a problem.

Below, I describe students’ reasons for using or not using different sources of academic help.

Online sources

Reasons for using:

Reasons for not using:

Interestingly, some students did not report online sources in their help-seeking process until specifically asked about them; they did not view it as seeking help, but rather viewed it as helping themselves.


Reasons for using:

Reasons for not using:


Reasons for using:

Reasons for not using:

Recommendations for CS instructors or departments

Based on students’ responses, we close with some recommendations for reducing the barriers to seeking academic help.