(Coursenotes for CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development)

Thread synchronisation

Thread interference occurs when two operations, running in different threads, but acting on the same data, interleave. These types of issues are difficult to predict.

In concurrent programming, concurrent thread accesses to shared data can lead to unexpected or erroneous behaviour. The part of the program where the shared data is accessed needs to be protected in ways that avoid concurrent access.

This protected section is the critical section or critical region.

An atomic action is required in a critical section where only one thread can execute its critical section at a time. All the other threads have to wait to access the critical section.

Thread interference demo

Consider the following class Counter that simply keeps track of a count that can be incremented and decremented.

For the purposes of illustration, the increment and decrement are done in explicitly separated steps (as opposed to count++ and count--), and they include some Thread.sleep calls so that there is a higher possibility of threads interleaving.

public class Counter {
    private int count = 0;

    public void increment() {
        try {
            int val = this.count;

            int newVal = val + 1;

            this.count = newVal;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // no-op

    public void decrement() {
        try {
            int val = this.count;

            int newVal = val - 1;

            this.count = newVal;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // no-op
    public int getCount() {
        return this.count;

As described above, if two threads both run the increment method on the same object, depending on how the threads get scheduled, there is a possibility of the work of one thread being overwritten by another thread.

Counter counter = new Counter();

Thread t1 = new Thread(() -> counter.increment());
Thread t2 = new Thread(() -> counter.increment());




Suppose Thread t1 runs at about the same time as Thread t2. If the initial value of count is 0, this sequence can happen:

Thread A’s result is lost, overwritten by Thread B (the program will print 1). Under different circumstances, it might be Thread B’s result that gets lost (program prints 1), or there could be no error at all (program prints 2).

To prevent these kinds of “race conditions” (where the result depends on which thread wins a race), we need some way to “synchronize” the execution of the two threads, such that they access and modify shared data in correct ways.

Synchronized methods and statements

Every Object in Java has an internal entity associated with it called its intrinsic lock or monitor lock. When a thread needs exclusive access to an object’s fields or methods, it must acquire the object’s intrinsic lock before accessing them, and release the lock after it’s finished with the object.

When one thread has an object’s intrinsic lock, no other thread can acquire the same lock. The other thread will “block” or suspend its execution until the object’s lock becomes available again.

This notion of an Object lock is extremely useful because it lets us synchronize access to data that is shared by multiple threads (e.g., mutable objects). The critical section mentioned above is the part of the program that is executed between acquiring and releasing an object’s intrinsic lock.

The Java language provides two basic idioms for synchronising access to critical sections: synchronized methods and synchronized statements.

Synchronized methods

To make a method synchronized, simply add the synchronized keyword to its declaration.

// rest of the Counter class stays the same

public synchronized void increment() {
    // ... method stays the same

public synchronized void decrement() {
    // ... methods stays the same

When one thread is executing a synchronized instance method for an object, all other threads that invoke synchronized methods for the same object will block (suspend execution) until the first thread is done with the object.

When a thread invokes a synchronized method, it automatically acquires the intrinsic lock for that method’s object and releases it when the method returns. The lock release occurs even if the return was caused by an uncaught exception.

So in the Counter example, when Thread t1 is executing on the counter object, it “owns” the counter object’s intrinsic lock. So when Thread t2 is kicked off, it requests access to the object, but cannot proceed until Thread t1 releases the lock (i.e., finishes executing the synchronized method increment).

In Java synchronization, if a thread wants to enter a synchronized method it will acquire lock on all synchronized methods of that object, not just on one synchronized method that thread is using.

So in the Counter example, if Thread t1 was calling increment, and Thread t2 wanted to call decrement, it still would NOT be able to do so, because it’s a common lock on the counter object that controls access to all synchronized methods.

static synchronized methods do not use an intrinsic lock associated with any instance of the class. Instead, they use lock associated to the Class object loaded by the JVM. So, one lock for the class, and individual locks for individual instances of the class.

Synchronized statements

Deciding which methods to mark as synchronized or not can be challenging. In general, you need to identify the critical section, and that critical section needs to take place as an atomic action. That is, it must run through the entire sequence of instructions without another thread being interleaved that accesses the same data.

In many cases, this critical section might be an entire method. However, overly stringent locking can start to erode the benefit you would get from concurrent programming. More often you want finer-grained control over object locking.

Java therefore lets you lock statements or blocks of code instead of entire methods.

synchronized methods inherently have objects on which to lock (the this object in the case of instance methods, and the Class object in the case of static methods). Byt synchronized statements have no such object.

Therefore, you must manually provide a synchronized statement an object on which to lock.

The syntax is similar:

synchronized(this) {

The code above, instead of locking an entire method, locks only the code within the curly braces. In the example above the synchronization is done on the basis of the this object, just like synchronized instance methods.

Any object can be used for the lock. For example, within the same class, you may have multiple bits of shared data (c1 and c2 in the example below) that need to be synchronized across threads.

However, we only care that two threads don’t access c1 at the same time, or c2 at the same time. But we don’t care if one thread accesses c1 while another accesses c2 in parallel.

public class MsLunch {
    private long c1 = 0;
    private long c2 = 0;
    private Object lock1 = new Object();
    private Object lock2 = new Object();

    public void inc1() {
        synchronized(lock1) {

    public void inc2() {
        synchronized(lock2) {

Use this idiom (of multiple locks) with extreme care. You must be absolutely sure that c1 and c2 are totally separate and don’t need to be synchronized together.


Sometimes you can get into a situation where two threads are both waiting for each other to terminate. This results in a situation called deadlock, where neither thread makes any progress.

Consider this example from the Java tutorials on concurrency.

public class Deadlock {
  static class Friend {
      private final String name;
      public Friend(String name) {
          this.name = name;
      public String getName() {
          return this.name;
      public synchronized void bow(Friend bower) {
          System.out.format("%s: %s"
              + "  has bowed to me!%n", 
              this.name, bower.getName());
      public synchronized void bowBack(Friend bower) {
          System.out.format("%s: %s"
              + " has bowed back to me!%n",
              this.name, bower.getName());

  public static void main(String[] args) {
      final Friend alphonse =
          new Friend("Alphonse");
      final Friend gaston =
          new Friend("Gaston");
      new Thread(new Runnable() {
          public void run() { alphonse.bow(gaston); }
      new Thread(new Runnable() {
          public void run() { gaston.bow(alphonse); }

Alphonse and Gaston are two super polite friends who bow to each other when they meet. They remain bowed until the other has bowed back to them. In most cases, this works out fine. However, if both Alphonse and Gaston bow to each other at the same time, they can never exit their bow, because they are both waiting for the other one to bow back.

Each Friend object calls its synchronized bow method to bow to the other Friend object. The bow method implementation calls another synchronized method, bowBack on the object that is passed in.

So when Alphonse bows to Gaston, the lock on Alphonse is acquired by the first thread. When Gaston bows to Alphonse, the lock on Gaston is acquired by the second thread. Now Alphonse’s thread needs access to Gaston’s lock in order to make Gaston bowBack, and Gaston’s thread needs Alphonse’s lock to make Alphonse bowBack. Neither can progress. Legend has it they are still bowed to each other and must be fed and changed by passers by.

The lesson here is: be careful about calling other objects’ synchronized methods from a synchronized method. synchronized blocks of statements can help you limit which parts of a method must be synchronized instead of synchronizing the whole method.

Avoiding deadlock

wait, notify, notifyAll

Sometimes, we need more fine-grained conditional control over how we enter and exit critical sections.

The Object class in Java contains three final methods that allows threads to communicate about the lock status of a resource.

The above methods can be called on an object to cause the current thread to pause or to wake up. They are commonly used when you want a thread to conditionally wait or execute some code.

For example, consider the BlockingQueue data structure. It functions more or less like a regular queue, except that:

An example add and remove might look like this (some of the surrounding code has been elided):

public synchronized void add(T element) {
    while (this.queue.size() == capacity) {
        wait(); // while the queue is at capacity, this request will wait

    this.queue.add(element); // once the wait is over, add the element
    notify(); // signal to the object; use notifyAll to notify all waiting threads

public synchronized T remove() {
    while (this.queue.isEmpty()) {
        wait(); // while the queue is empty, wait

    T item = this.queue.remove(); // when the wait is over, remove the first item
    notify(); // notifyAll to notify all waiting threads
    return item;

In the add method, the wait is waiting for the queue to become below capacity, so something can be added. And the notify is signalling that there is something in the queue (so the remove method can do its thing).

In the remove method, the wait is waiting for the queue to not be empty, so something can be removed. And the notify is signalling that something was removed, so that the add method can do its thing.

So there are TWO “waiting conditions” and TWO signals being sent, but all of it uses the same primitive wait and notify mechanism. It’s up to the programmer to manage the different states that need to wait and notify according to various conditions. Using wait and notify correctly in a complex module is notoriously difficult for this reason.

Java Lock objects

The synchronized keyword allows a really simple kind of lock, where access to critical sections of an object’s code can be restricted to one thread at a time. And the wait/notify mechanism allows conditional locking and unlocking of certain portions of the synchronized object’s code.

More recent Java versions include higher-level abstractions over these constructs in the form of the Lock interface. The simplest implementation of this interface (and the one that we’ll talk about) is the ReentrantLock. The ReentrantLock provides the same basic behaviour as the synchronized keyword, with some extended capabilities.

Considering the Counter example above, we can rewrite the increment method using the ReentrantLock like below. Notice that we don’t need to declare the method as synchronized; we’re kind of doing the equivalent of a synchronized block here.

public void increment() {
    try {
        int val = this.count;

        int newVal = val + 1;

        this.count = newVal;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // no-op

Ok, so the ReentrantLock provides the same functionality as the synchronized block. What’s the big deal?

The ReentrantLock also has the trylock method, which has the following signature: boolean trylock(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)

It attempts to obtain a lock, but gives up after a specified amount of time. It returns a boolean value telling us if the lock was successfully obtained or not. This ability to “back out” of trying to obtain a lock helps us to avoid deadlock situations.

Go back to our Alphonse and Gaston example, and consider how you would use this newfound ability to break them out of their lifelong bows. (Or, read the implemented example here.)