(Coursenotes for CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development)

(Some of the) SOLID Principles

What we’ve talked about so far

So far, we’ve talked about the following principles for good program design:

We’ve also started talking about the so-called “SOLID” principles of object-oriented design. We started by talking about the Single Responsibility Principle (the S in SOLID), which is the principle that guides our desire for LOOSE COUPLING between classes and TIGHT COHESION within classes.

Open-closed Principle

The Open-closed Principle states that software entities should be open to extension, but closed to modification.

Unfortunately, there are many interpretations of what exactly this means. The common interpretation says that in an ideally-designed software system, you should be able to add functionality to that system without modifying the existing code (or minimising changes to existing code), and only by adding new code. In an object-oriented language that supports inheritance (e.g., Java), this might be accomplished by creating extensions (subclasses) of existing classes, instead of modifying existing classes.

The idea itself is compelling—new features fitting seamlessly into an existing design is certainly an attractive proposition! However, I don’t think it’s terribly realistic a lot of the time. I shudder at the thought that we would create new subclasses or ever-deeper type hierarchies each time we wanted to add new functionality to a large software system.

Creating an abstraction each time we want to modify our code brings other problems: it can create indirections and, as a result, increase the complexity of the system. If we try to create a new “entity” each time (using [Robert] Martin’s words) when we want to change one, we’ll see the sheer numbers of “entities” going through the roof.

– Mathieu Cneude, “Should We Follow the Open-Closed Principle?”, lightly edited for clarity

Happily, many of the “SOLID principles of object-oriented design” can also be thought about in a non-Object-oriented sense.

A good example is the regular expression example we saw last week. See lib/core.ts and the usePattern function in lib/vocabularies/code.ts in commit a0720f881b8331db1c8c38a805e24a71f5daacbb.

The usePattern function is closed to modification (i.e., we won’t make further changes to the function to support additional regular expression engines), but is open to extension (i.e., it can be extended to work with any regular expression parser, as long as it adheres to the RegExp interface).

When is the open-closed principle useful?

In many domains, plugin architectures are becoming extremely common. A plugin architecture is made up of two main components:

Just like we talked about classes exposing a fixed interface to other classes, you can imagine that the core system (which may, itself, contain many software components) exposes an interface that plugins can use to add new features, or even extend existing features, depending on what the core system exposes.

A great example is software development environments. Most major IDEs are built using a plugin architecture.

For example, VSCode provides facilities for external developers to create extensions that vastly extend the functionality of the core system.

And it’s not just for external developers! The VSCode team themselves have isolated the fundamental editor features in a core system (the microsoft/vscode repository), and they ship a large number of features as “extensions” to that core system. For example, basic python support comes with the vscode-python extension.

This plugin architecture allows for VSCode to be extended in myriad ways, without ever modifying the core VSCode functionality. That, the core functionality has no idea about the plugins that might be operating on it, and the plugins can manipulate parts of the VSCode application that the core system exposes through its extension mechanism.

This is a popular approach in IDEs. For example, the Kim Moir, describes the plugin architecture used in the Eclipse platform. That architecture has allowed the same base functionality to create a number of other IDEs by composing together various plugins. For example, Eclipse itself is a popular open-source Java IDE, but the same base platform is used to build DBeaver an open-source database tool.

Virtually all the JetBrains developer tools (including IntelliJ IDEA) are built as combinations of various plugins on top of the core architecture.

So, plugin architectures are a good example of the Open-closed principle in action. But I am not super convinced that going for a plugin architecture is the best move in all cases — it can be too much overhead for little benefit.


Do you remember what Polymorphism is? Why is it useful?

Polymorphism is an important pillar of object-oriented programming. The word “polymorph” means “many forms”. Polymorphism allows us to treat objects as having one of multiple “forms”, and we don’t necessarily know until runtime what that form might be. (This should remind you of interfaces!)

What different kinds of polymorphism are available to us in Java?

EJ20: Prefer interfaces to abstract classes.

It used to be that interfaces were quite limited in what they could do, compared to abstract classes. Interfaces could only define abstract methods that all implementing subclasses had to implement. We’ve already talked about the benefits of this (see lecture notes on coupling and cohesion).

But this led to difficulties when, for example, an interface that was in use by many classes needed to be extended in some way. Any additions of abstract methods to the interface would require all implementing subclasses to also need implementations of the new abstract methods, even if the implementation was to be identical for all subclasses.

Compare this to abstract classes, which allow a mix of fully implemented methods as well as abstract methods. All subclasses must implement their own versions of abstract methods, but have the option to inherit the methods that are already implemented in the superclass.

Clearly, they seem more useful than interfaces!

Enter default methods

All of this changed with the introduction of default methods for interfaces. Default methods allow you provide implementations for certain behaviours in the interface itself, so that implementing classes can inherit them or override them.

As a result, using interfaces give you the following benefits:

For example, consider the Comparable interface. In older versions of Java, the interface simply provided an abstract compare method that compared two objects. Implementing subclasses had to implement those methods. Now, the Comparator interface provides a number of useful default methods, which allow you to chain comparators together (using thenComparing) or to reverse the order of a comparison (using reversed).

No implementing classes needed to be aware of these additions to be able to benefit from them.

That said, there are risks with default method implementations. Default methods are “injected” into implementing subclasses without the knowledge or consent of the implementors. It is possible that the default method implementation that is being inherited by some implementor actually violates invariants that the implementor depends upon. good documentation is absolutely essential to communicate this information to implementors.

For example, a library maintainer who updated to Java 9 would suddenly have been saddled with a bunch of inherited behaviour in their classes that implement the Comparable interface.

It is simply not possible to write interfaces that maintain all invariants of every conceivable implementation.

EJ21 Design interfaces for posterity

The Collection interface contains the removeIf method. The method removes an element if it satisfies some boolean condition (a predicate).

Every class that implements the Collection interface (i.e., a whole ton of classes in the JDK) now inherits this removeIf method.

Unfortunately, this fails for the SynchronizedCollection, a collection object from Apache commons which synchronizes the collection based on a locking object. The default implementation of removeIf in the Collection interface doesn’t know about this locking mechanism. And the SynchronizedCollection cannot override the method and provide its own implementation because that would mutate the underlying collection, breaking its fundamental promise to synchronize on each function call. If a client were to call removeIf while another thread was modifying the collection, it would lead to a ConcurrentModificationException or some other undefined behaviour.

Liskov substitution principle

Proposed by Barbara Liskov, a pioneer of programming languages, object-oriented programming, and winner of the 2008 Turing award.

The LSP says:

Any class S can be used to replace a class B if and only if S is a subclass of B.

This is a good rule-of-thumb for using polymorphism currently.

The Liskov Substitution Principle says that in an OO program, if we substitute a superclass object reference with an object of any of its subclasses, the program should not break. This is in much the same way that code that uses a List type can be executed with an ArrayList or a LinkedList and everything works just fine.

You can think of the methods defined in a supertype as defining a contract. Every subtype (e.g., everything that claims to be a List) should stick to the contract.

The LSP helps us to ensure that invariants in the superclass are maintained in subclasses (i.e., preconditions and postconditions are satisfied). This can also help clients rely on extensions to our existing classes without fear of unexpected functional outcomes.

In a language like Java, the existence of the appropriate functions (e.g., methods with the right names, parameter lists, and return type) are more-or-less guaranteed by the language’s type system. For example, if you were you create a new List implementation, your code would not compile until you had implementations for all of the methods that are required by the List interface.

But the LSP goes beyond simply satisfying the type system. It’s a promise of semantically fulfilling the contract of the supertype. That is, the subtype should behave like the supertype (e.g., no matter what kind of list is being used, the effect of adding an item is the same).

For example, subclasses can improve the performance of the superclass:

Currently, languages do not automatically enforce these properties.

Code Critique

public class Bird {
    public void fly() {

    public void eat() {

public class Crow extends Bird {}

public class Ostrich extends Bird {
    public void fly() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public class TestBird {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        List<Bird> birdList = new ArrayList<>();
        birdList.add(new Crow());
        birdList.add(new Ostrich());
        birdList.add(new Crow());
        letTheBirdsFly ( birdList );

    public static void letTheBirdsFly (List<Bird> birdList ){
        for (Bird b : birdList) {

What’s the problem with the code above?


The Ostrich extends the Bird superclass, but does not support all of the required behaviours. This is a clear violation of the LSP: the Ostrich has a more constrained set of functionality than its superclass, Bird. This happens because the Bird abstraction has too many responsibilities. It is responsible for too much functionality, so when the time comes to extend the software with the Ostrich class, we run into trouble.

How would you fix the design?