(Coursenotes for CSC 203 Project-based Object-oriented Programming and Design)



Having learned about lambdas in the previous lesson, we will learn about a related construct in Java called streams. Lambdas and streams are often used together.

Streams allow us to take a series of computations we mean to perform on a collection of data, and compose them into a “pipeline”.

In this lesson, we’ll start with concrete examples of using the Streams API, since on the surface there is very little new or unfamiliar happening here. Following this, there is a brief discussion about what exactly is meant by “streaming”, and some of the underlying properties of streams in Java that are important to know about.

An example problem

Before we start, let’s recall the map and filter patterns that we talked about in the previous lesson.

Continuing with our examples of Album objects, let’s suppose we have a list of Albums that we are working with. For the purposes of this example, let’s assume Album objects have the following fields:

We are given the following problem prompt:

Write a program that consumes a list of Album objects, and, for the Albums released after the year 2000, computes the average number of units they have sold.

Let’s consider two solutions to this problem: one using regular for-each loops, like we are used to, and one using streams and lambdas.

A for-each loop solution

As you read the code below, try to identify usage of the map or filter patterns.

public static double averageSalesAfter2000(List<Album> albums) {
  long sum = 0;
  int albumsAfter2000 = 0;

  for (Album current : albums) {
    if (album.getYear() > 2000) {
      long sales = album.getSales();
      sum = sum + sales;
      albumsAfter2000 = albumsAfter2000 + 1;

  if (albumsAfter2000 > 0) {
    return sum / albumsAfter2000;
  } else {
    return 0;

A streams solution

The same problem can be solved using streams. The code is below, and an explanation of each line follows.

public static double averageSalesAfter2000(List<Album> albums) {
  OptionalDouble result =  albums.stream() // Stream<Album>
    .filter(a -> a.getYear() > 2000) // Stream<Album>
    .mapToLong(a -> a.getUnitsSold()) // LongStream 
    .average(); // OptionalDouble

  // After filtering, there may not be any albums left.
  // In that case, we just return 0.
  return result.orElse(0);

In the code above, we have organised a series of computations into a stream pipeline.

Common stream operations

The Streams API provides a whole host of operations that can performed on streams of data.

Here are some commonly used operations you’ll want to know about.


The filter function is used to discard items that do not match a given condition. It is called on a Stream, takes a Predicate as a parameter, and returns a Stream. The Predicate is called on each item in the Stream, and only items for which the result is true are kept in the resulting Stream.

So for example, if you have a list of Album objects, and you want to only keep Albums that were released after the year 2000, you can achieve this using filter as follows:

// Assuming "albums" is a List<Album>, populated with records
Stream<Album> filtered = albums.stream()
  .filter((album) -> album.getYear() > 2000);


The map function is used to apply a function to each item in a collection, obtaining a result for each item. It is called on a Stream, takes a Function as a parameter, and returns a Stream. The resulting Stream contains the results of applying the function to each item in the original Stream.

For example, if you have a list of Album objects and you would like to compute, for each Album, its total sales (i.e., unitsSold * price), you could use map as follows:

// Assuming "albums" is a List<Album>, populated with records
Stream<Double> totalSales = albums.stream()
  .map((album) -> album.getUnitsSold() * album.getPrice());

Why do you suppose the data type of totalSales above is Stream<Double>?


Finally, the reduce function is used to, well, reduce a list of data into a single value. For example, finding the sum of a list of numbers and finding the minimum in a list of numbers are both examples of reduce operations.

The reduce function is called on a Stream, and takes a BinaryOperator as a parameter. A BinaryOperator is a function that takes in two parameters of the same data type, and returns a value that also belongs to the same data type.

Let’s call it the accumulator function. The accumulator function has two parameters: the result so far and the current value. The reduce operation starts by invoking the accumulator function on the first two items in the list. The result of this operation is used in the next invocation of the accumulator, along with the next item in the list, and this continues until the list is exhausted, leaving you with a single final result.

Let’s look at a relatively simple example: finding the sum of a list of numbers.

List<Integer> numbers = List.of(2, 3, 10, 5);
Optional<Integer> optionalSum = numbers.stream()
  .reduce((result, current) -> result + current); // Optional in case the list was empty

In the example above, the accumulator function starts with the first two items in the list, 2 and 3 and gives the value 5 in return. The value 5 is then used as the result parameter in the next usage of the accumulator, along with the number 10, and we get the value 15. Finally, the value 15 is used as the result parameter and added to the number 5, and we get the final answer 20, which is the sum of the list of numbers.

In this way, the reduce operation folds the list in on itself, one value at a time, starting from the left.

The original list 2 3 10 5
Sum the first 2 numbers   5 10 5
Add the next number to the running total     15 5
Add the next number to the running total       20

Notice that the return type of reduce is an Optional — this is because if the list was empty, no result would be produced. To get the final int result, you would call .get() on the result, after making sure it isPresent. Clunky, I know.

reduce has an overload in which you can specify an initial value. In this case, instead of starting off your accumulator on the first two items in the list, you would start it on the initial value and the first item in the list. It can be used as follows.

List<Integer> numbers = List.of(2, 3, 10, 5);
int sum = numbers.stream()
  .reduce(0, (result, current) -> result + current); 

In the example above, the initial result is 0, and if the list had happened to be empty, the final answer would also be 0.

Reductions are extremely common list operations. For example, if you want to check if any item in a list meets a condition, the accumulator would use a Boolean OR. To check if all items meet a condition, the accumulator would use a Boolean AND. Counting the number of items in a list is also use a reduction—the accumulator adds 1 for each item in the list.

Many of these operations have been provided as convenience functions in the Stream API: see anyMatch, allMatch, and count, for example.

Given a list of Album objects, how would you use reduce to find the Album with the highest unitsSold?

Streams are not data structures

A stream, by itself, does not store data, and is technically not a data structure. Streams are wrappers around a data source. They allow us to define a series of operations that should be performed on that data source, and they make bulk processing of data convenient and fast.

The “data source” for a stream can be anything—an array or list, a file stored on disk, a stream of data coming from some external service, etc. In this class, we will only deal with streams based on lists or arrays, but this section describes how Streams might be used to work with other types of data sources.

A stream never modifies its underlying data source. For example, you cannot use stream operations on a list to remove items from or add items to the list. Just like you can’t add or remove items from a list while looping over it using a for-each loop.

A stream pipeline usually consists of 3 pieces:

In our example above,

Stream pipelines are lazy. A stream pipeline will not begin executing until it has to. Specifically, the stream processing won’t be “kicked off” until a terminal operation is called.

For example, if we had only called filter and mapToLong above, we would still be left with a LongStream, i.e., a stream of longs. No processing would take place unless some terminal operation was added to the pipeline.

Some examples of terminal operations are:

List<Double> albumCosts = albums.stream()
  .filter(a -> a.getYear() > 2000)
  .map(a -> a.getPrice())
int albumsBefore2000 = albums.stream()
  .filter(a -> getYear() < 2000)
// Reduce cost of pre-2000 albums by 10%
  .filter(a -> a.Year() < 2000)
  .forEach(a -> a.setPrice(a.getPrice() * 0.9));

What is “streaming”?

You likely already know the meaning of the word “streaming”. For example, you’ve heard of “streaming music” or “streaming a video” over the internet. To simplify it greatly, it means to process data while it loads, rather than to load all the data before beginning to process it.

For example, when you’re streaming a movie on Netflix, you’re not actually downloading the whole movie to your machine and then watching it. Rather, chunks of the movie are being sent to your computer and played in your browser as they arrive.

Streams in Java are a similar idea.

This can be a useful mode of operation when you are working with huge amounts of data that cannot all be loaded into memory at once, or if you are working with “never-ending data”, for example, minute-by-minute readings from weather sensors. In these situations, you cannot wait to load all the data into, say, an ArrayList before you begin processing the data.

Consider the following scenario. Let’s imagine you need to read and process data from a HUGE file on your hard disk: MyGiantFile.txt The file is too large for you read the entire thing into a list of strings.

One way you could do this is to use a Scanner to read the file and process it line by line, like we have done in a project and a couple of labs this term.

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File("MyGiantFile.txt"));
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
  String line = scanner.nextLine();
  // Assume we do some work with the line here

With the streams API, we can now concisely define operations like the above using lambdas and all the benefits they bring.

The Files.lines static method creates a stream of strings, allowing us to define a pipeline of operations that will apply to each line in MyGiantFile.txt.

  .map(line -> .....)
  .filter(line -> ........)
  .forEach(line -> .......);

Because Files.lines returns a Stream<String>, the lines in the file and streamed through our pipeline, but this detail is abstracted away from you, the developer.

If you use a simple collection in memory (like an array or list) as the source of a stream, you’re not gaining much in the way of “streaming” — in that situation, the Streams API mostly provides a convenient library and syntax for performing operations on a collection data. Still pretty good!