import java.util.*;
 * A game of Nim.
 * @author Julie Workman
 * @version 2.0
public class Game {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;
      System.out.println("Create Player 1...");
      Player p1 = createPlayer(in);
      System.out.println("\nCreate Player 2...");
      Player p2 = createPlayer(in);

      System.out.print("\nHow many sticks? ");
      int numSticks = in.nextInt();
      Pile pile = new Pile(numSticks);
      boolean done=false;
while(!done) { done = play(p1, pile); if (done) { System.out.println("\n" + p2.getName()+ " is the winner!!!"); } else { done = play(p2, pile); if (done) { System.out.println("\n" + p1.getName() + " is the winner!!!"); } } }
/** * Creates a player based on user input. * @param in the Scanner to use for input * @return a GreedyPlayer, TimidPlayer, or RandomPlayer */ public static Player createPlayer(Scanner in) { System.out.print("Player's name? "); String name =; System.out.print("Player type (0 - Greedy, 1 - Timid, 2 - Random)? "); int type = in.nextInt(); if (type == 0) { in.nextLine(); // remove \n from input stream System.out.print("What's your jeer? "); String jeer = in.nextLine(); return new GreedyPlayer(name, jeer); } else if (type == 1) { return new TimidPlayer(name); } else { return new RandomPlayer(name); } }
/** * Plays a turn of Nim. * @param p the player whose turn it is * @param pile the pile of sticks * @return true if the game is over, false otherwise */ public static boolean play(Player p, Pile pile) { int sticksTaken = p.takeTurn(pile); System.out.println("\n" + p.getName() + " takes " + sticksTaken + " sticks.\n" + "There are " + pile.getSticks() + " left in the pile."); if (pile.getSticks() <= 0) { return true; } return false; }